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Is a University Model School Right for Our Family?

May 16, 2022
By Jill Miller

Choosing the right schooling for your kids is one of the most important decisions you can make as a family. With the climate of education changing so rapidly, making this decision can be overwhelming at times. Understanding your options can alleviate worry and help you in making the best choice for your whole family.

What is a University Model School?

The University-Model® combines the best attributes of traditional schooling with the best attributes of homeschooling and integrates them into one model. The result is quality, cost-effective, college-preparatory education that gives parents more time for imparting their own faith and values to their children. In partnership with one another, parents and the school work together toward a mutual goal: to produce wholesome, competent, and virtuous followers of Christ who will change the world in their generation. (

What is the difference between Homeschool & University Model School?

Homeschool is schooling conducted, planned, and executed by parents and/or a cooperative learning environment. The educational model, including curriculum, daily activities, course mapping, and lesson execution are the sole responsibility of the parents. This is an excellent option for many families and can be a successful route to higher education. Many homeschool families take time researching to find what curriculums will be best for their children and they really take time to plan out their days and weeks in order to insure a smooth classroom year within their home. There are many benefits to a fully homeschool model if your home and work life are conducive to this lifestyle.

If the thought of taking on all this responsibility is overwhelming, but you enjoy aspects of the homeschool life, a University Model School may be what you're looking for. UMS blend the best of both traditional and homeschool environments. Tasks like choosing curriculum, course mapping, and lesson planning are handled by the school, giving you a clear focus for the year with your kids. Days spent on campus in the classroom focus on teaching and forming foundations, while homeschool days are spent exploring, working, and doing activities with your student. University Model Schools like Alliance Christian Academy promote family values and faith while coming alongside parents to provide the best education for their children.

What does a typical week look like in a University Model School?

The University-Model® is a five-day academic program with students spending 2 - 3 days in the central classroom and 2 - 3 days in their “satellite classroom” at home. Both classrooms are under the supervision of the professional educator. ( Alliance Christian Academy spends Mon, Tues, and Thurs on campus learning, while Wed & Fri are spent at home. Certified teachers plan lessons and activities as well as provide a clear assignment sheet for the entire week, so parents have a guide for homeschool days. Educators and parents work together throughout the week to provide support to the students. All assessments are conducted on the school campus, and the school maintains structure and organization of curriculum mapping for the year.

What are the responsibilities of the parents?

In the University Model, parents play an integral role in the academic life of their child. While the school plans curriculum and maps out lessons for the year, parents work closely with the school to decide what is best for their child. During the homeschool days, parents are responsible for completing home assignments and working one-on-one with their student to practice skills. Parents can structure their “satellite campus” in whatever way works best for their home. In addition, integrating family field trips and outside learning can be a fun and interactive way to make learning a memorable family experience. 

Can I tour a school?

Absolutely! We encourage families to tour our campus to get a better picture of how a University Model School operates.

If you have any questions about Alliance Christian Academy or University Model Schools, we encourage you to visit the UMSI website or email us anytime!



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5/16/22 - By Jill Miller
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