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Fall 25-26 Admissions

Join us for an admissions orientation meeting and campus tour if you are interested in enrolling your student for the 25-26 school year. 
Admissions Orientation Meeting Dates:
  • Tuesday, November 12th 10am-11:00am
  • Tuesday, January 14th 9:30am-10:30am
  • Tuesday, February 4th 9:30am-10:30am 
  • Tuesday, March 4th 9:30am-10:30am 
  • Tuesday, April 1st 9:30am-10:30am
  • Tuesday, April 22nd 6pm-7pm

Click here to RSVP 


Have additional questions or registered and can't make it? - Email our Registrar 




Alliance Christian Academy believes in educating the whole child to include high academic, social, physical and emotional development within each child (Luke 2:52, “And Jesus grew in wisdom, and in stature and in favor with God and man.”). This educational standard is only accomplished through a close partnership with parents and families and causes the decision for our school to be an important one, as every school does not meet the needs of every child.  Please take some time to read the information presented on our website before proceeding with the steps listed below.

Alliance Christian Academy has implemented and follows a thorough admissions process in an attempt to assist families who align with our mission and vision as laid out on our website.  As you walk through this journey and discern the best educational environment for your children and family, please remember that we are here to walk with you!

Alliance Christian Academy and Little Sprouts Preschool are committed to diversity and actively seek students and families who can contribute to the mission of the school and who will benefit from its education. Enrollment is open to all students of any race, color, nationality or ethnic origin who meet the entrance requirements and who strive both in conduct and achievement to maintain satisfactory progress.


New families must attend an admissions orientation meeting in order to be considered for admittance to Alliance Christian Academy. The meeting will cover the following topics:

  • ACA Mission/Vision
  • Affiliation with UMSI, Accreditation
  • Curriculum/Schedules for Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric Schools
  • Home Assignment Load/Requirements
  • Parent Partnership
  • Integration of Classical Virtues
  • Academic Rigor
  • Classical Education
  • A tour of our classrooms and the campus

We will begin with prayer, answer your questions, and adjourn by asking each family to take our information and pray together, calling for God’s guidance in their decision for schooling.

To RSVP for an Admissions Orientation date, please click the green button above. 

New families must complete an online application for EACH student (see below for Admissions Online Instructions).  All applications and fees are date stamped in the order they are received. After submitting your application, you will receive an email from our registrar with further instructions for any supplemental documents needed so that we can schedule a student assessment and family interview. The $500 New Student Application Fee must be submitted with your online application.



  • Then, LOG IN to your account
  • Next, create a “NEW STUDENT APPLICATION” for your child. You will then have the flexibility to log in and out of your account and access your open application.
  • After Submitting the Application, you will be able to track your admissions status by logging into your account. You will also be able to print the completed applications and monitor when the school receives supplemental application forms.


Please reach out to our Registrar at

Following the receipt of your online application and supplemental documentation as required, families will be contacted to schedule a student assessment and family interview. A placement assessment is required for all incoming students grades K-11. Please plan for 1.5 - 2 hrs for each student assessment. 

Parents will receive a copy of the assessment results. 

Notification of placement and acceptance will be made within 14 days of assessment and interview.

If your student is not accepted, the application fee is non-refundable.

Upon acceptance, you will be given access through the FACTS Family Portal to submit your full Enrollment Packet. There you will be requested to review and acknowledge school policies as outlined in the parent handbook and commit to your enrollment and tuition covenant for the year. 

Selection of your tuition payment plan is also included. Enrollment packets must be completed within 7 days of the acceptance offer. 

We understand that equipping you with knowledge and understanding is essential. We require all our new families to do two things to better ensure the success of this partnership. 

Please plan to attend all of our parent orientation in August. These training dates are outlined on our academic calendar. 

We request that you purchase and read the following book in preparation for Orientation:

Character Driven College Preparation: Parents and Teachers in Partnership Through University Model Schooling by John Turner

*Limited copies are available here in our online spirit store

'25-'26 Admissio