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Current Athletic Offerings (3rd-12th grade)

ACA currently participates in the following athletics in partnership with CSAF/TCAF:

  • FALL SPORTS: Cross Country (Grades 3-12), Girls Volleyball (Grades 4-12), Co-Ed Soccer (Grades 6-12)
  • WINTER SPORTS: Boys Basketball (Grades 4-12), Girls Basketball (Grades 4-12)
  • SPRING SPORTS: Track & Field (Grades 3rd-12th), Co-Ed Flag Football (Grades 4th-8th) Co-Ed Varsity Tennis (8th-12th)

We welcome homeschool students to participate with us in any of the sports we offer. We currently have homeschoolers participating on every one of our sports teams and would love to have more join us.

For more information about joining one our teams, please email:


CSAF/TCAF Foundation

The primary purpose of CSAF, Inc. is to develop Christ-like character through quality athletic programs, with attention given to fellowship, respect for opponents, playing heartily as unto the Lord, and Christian fun.

In 1980, a small group of Dallas and Fort Worth area schools came together seeking competition in a Christian environment. In the fall of 1984, the first organized schedules were developed and the Christian Schools Athletic Fellowship was founded. From the beginning, CSAF has been unique in offering district- and post-season competitions at the Elementary, Junior High and High School levels.

In the summer of 2004, CSAF became incorporated in anticipation of expanding the high school division into a statewide league. That statewide organization was introduced in the spring of 2005 as the Texas Christian Athletic Fellowship.  TCAF now oversees the High School Division in twenty Varsity State Championships and three JV Championships.  CSAF continues to oversee the Elementary and Jr. High Divisions in fifteen Junior High Regional Tournaments and seventeen Elementary District Tournaments.



'25-'26 Admissio