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To see a detailed description of our Logic School Curriculum, click the link below.



Physical Education taught through our campus-based curriculum, SPARK. Class focuses on the "whole child" through sports, games, kinesthetics, and health/nutrition throughout the year. Fee: PE shorts $15

A basic, introductory course in personal computers that enhances their keyboarding skills as well as familiarizing students with Google applications. 

Enhance learning in various areas of life and home economics to further equip students to handle everyday tasks such as meal preparation, household maintenance, money management, and sewing. Learn that personal responsibility, as well as contribution to family and community, are important ways that we show honor to God for all we have been given.

Designed to teach students the basics in music education- covering such topics as reading and writing music, describing and analyzing musical sound, and performing in a variety of genres. Choir will also be a part of this elective and is open to students of varying vocal abilities and talents where they will be encouraged to learn how to sing well and improve. Activities in class revolve around a choral repertoire with instruction based in performing, listening to, and analyzing music. They will compete in the Fine Arts Music Festival in the spring semester hosted by CSAF (Christian Schools Athletic Fellowship.)

Students will learn techniques specific to well-known artists and create works showing these techniques. In addition to projects throughout the year, students will utilize the process of turning inspiration into a concept, design, and eventually a completed piece

tudents will further develop their use of the techniques from Art 1 as well as discover various advanced elements of creation and design including oil pastels, canvas work, and clay. *May require students to spend time off-campus to work on certain projects/pieces. 

This class will explore the fundamentals of theater and public speaking. Fundamentals include: voice projection, confidence building techniques, speech development and effective delivery. Students will be provided opportunities to perform and compete at various events using these developed the skills. Additionally, the course will deepen a student's knowledge of theater concepts and performance ability. Students will utilize such elements as blocking, vocal characterization, projection and enunciation. Competitions and after school rehearsals will be required. 

This class will build upon the fundamentals of theater and public speaking. Students will be provided opportunities to perform and compete at various events using these developed the skills. Additionally, the course will deepen a student's knowledge of theater concepts and performance ability. Students will utilize such elements as blocking, vocal characterization, projection and enunciation. Competitions and after school rehearsals will be required. 

May choose a foreign language of either Honors Latin I or preAP Spanish I.

'25-'26 Admissio